To promote the September 2021 premiere of FOX’s new series #OurKindOfPeople, Kristen developed and executed a YouTube influencer campaign with fashion, beauty and natural hair influencers, including MsNaturally Mary and Jade Godbolt.
The Masked Singer Flashback YouTube Campaign
To promote the premiere of season 6, I launched a Flashback YouTube campaign that took the Masked Singer fans on a trip down memory lane as legacy performances were re-released ahead of premiere across social and YouTube, while also reliving the best moments from reveals, judges and celebrity guest through YouTube Premieres of fun compilation […]
12 Days ’til Christmas Animation Domination Advent Calendar
To help increase views and engagement on the main FOX YouTube page and to align with the other FOXTV social handles, I executed an YouTube campaign that included 13 advent calendar styled Christmas Animation Domination 16×9 thumbnails, created to help countdown the 12 days until Christmas. The collection of videos were also displayed in a […]
Kristen Hayman modeled the I’m A Black Woman Who Goes Hard and Healthy is the New Black Racer back tanks for the I’m A Black Woman Who fitness apparel clothing line’s promotional campaign.
Kristen Hayman was hired by Resatainment as a Graphic Designer to create an infographic listing their new promotional packages and prices.
Digital Programming Advertisement
As a Web Video Producer for Big Ten Network, Kristen Hayman takes on numerous creative roles, including designing digital programming ads for the Creative Services department. Above are a few mock up designs.
She’s Gotta Show Logo
Kristen Hayman served as the Graphic Designer that created the She’s Gotta Show logo for seasons 1 and 2. She’s Gotta Show is a digital media talk show hosted by Akisha Lockhart.
Promotional Flyer Designs for DePaul MBA Association Events
As Vice President of Marketing for the DePaul MBA Association’s executive board, Kristen Hayman designed flyers for promotional (print, digital, email & social) distribution.